Thursday, April 22, 2010

April 22, 2010

The rain that we had last night prompts me to explain why I ask for carts to sometimes stay on the paths after rainstorms. I don’t think that I have ever had the opportunity to address this before.

The reason is that wet soil compacts more easily than drier soil. The water lubricates the soil particles and when downward pressure is applied, the particles are moved closer together, filling and reducing pore space. Pore space is the open space between soil particles that holds and drains water, gives room for roots to grow, moves fresh air into the soil and vents the bad air out, etc. Without pore space, water, gases, and roots have no where to go, and the turf thins, and sooner than later, dies….

Limiting traffic on wet soils is another piece of the puzzle to having healthier turf that lasts the season long.

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